Earlier in the series, we discussed traits and engaged leadership. In particular, we covered how traits show who you are, not just what you do. To add to the series, we’ll add traits of energetic leaders.
When you think of an energetic leader, who comes to mind? John F. Kennedy? Maybe Walt Disney or Steve Jobs? Each of them could be described as energetic in their own way. They had a singular vision and worked tirelessly to bring that vision to life. To maintain their focus, they had traits including passion, enthusiasm, and good listening skills. These same traits are worth considering when you sharpen your own leadership skills.
Passion: Passion for your work makes it much easier to motivate employees. Your passion emanates. It’s infectious. When your employees feel it, they’ll have a better sense of where the company is and where it can go. Passion leads to action, which in turn leads to doing great work.
Make the Choice: The most important action you can take to be a more energetic leader is to make the conscious decision to be energetic. It sounds overly simplistic, but it’s a mind trick that works. Commit to positive, energetic leadership and cultivate habits that create inertia. That inertia will carry over day-to-day in your work, and you’ll find yourself being naturally energized every day.
Enthusiasm: Energy and enthusiasm go together. You won’t turn a company meeting into a pep rally if you’re gloomy or sour, right? Enthusiasm is more than being excited about your work. It’s showing it. Sharing that excitement is as contagious as sharing your passion. It’s important to show emotion as a leader, even if it’s a little outside your comfort zone.
Active listening: Passive listening means you’re missing important information. Especially if you’re already thinking about your response. If you are waiting to speak, you aren’t truly listening. Active listening requires you to be fully present and concentrating. When the other person is finished, paraphrase what they’ve said so that both parties know you’ve understood their message. It shows respect to the speaker and helps you retain the conversations in memory.
Health: We’re not here to dispense health advice. The internet is chock full of information on food, drink, and exercise. Of course, moderation in all things is a good starting point. The deeper issue with health is its effect on your energy levels. Keeping a generally healthy lifestyle affects your ability to be alert and energetic at the office. Feel like you’re pouring out of bed in the morning? Nodding off in those afternoon meetings? Feeling exhausted at the end of every week? Many of these can be helped through lifestyle tweaks.
Comfort Zones: You might be a little uneasy showing your excitement as a leader. And that’s OK. You might not follow a fad diet, or maintain eye contact for the duration of a conversation. Everyone has their quirks. More important is your commitment to growing as a leader. That means building habits and cultivating leadership traits. Include these traits of energetic leadership in your personal habits and you’ll see the ripple effect throughout your office.
Remember, energetic leaders build energetic employees.
Todd Ringleman
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